About Celestya

Audit Image

Celestya, a partner of Horizon Audit, offers consultancy and audit services throughout Europe to EU funds beneficiaries.
We are particularly active in the Benelux countries, Germany and France.
We have acquired significant experience with funds such as EuropeAid, H2020, Erasmus, etc.
We provide a range of services that include Financial Statements / Financial Reports certification, audit preparation, Internal Control Systems review, etc.
Our experts have more than 15 years of experience in audit and are specialised in EU funding and other donors funding schemes.

More details on our experience and our range of services can be found on the Horizon Audits website.

Contact Us

📞 +32 475 78 01 26

📍 1180 Uccle

📧 info@celestya.eu

📧 benoit@celestya.eu